Wednesday, January 30, 2013

26012013 (3rd day) Trip to Johor Bahru + Singapore + Melaka

Assalammualaikum and Hi sumer... =D

Ari ni kitorang last day kat JB, prepare nk blk Puchong and KL.. =D
Lepas balik dr Danga Bay smlm, aku trus packing baju2 dlm beg..Dlm kul 1am, bru aku tidur..

Keesokan harinya, kitorg bekpes kat hotel cafe around 8.30am...Pagi tu, Kak Eja plan nk singgah Melaka coz one way nk blk, so bleh jejalan kat sana plak..But sblm pi sana, kitorg pi Johor Premium Outlet (JPO) dlu..Kat sini, sumer brg2 branded dijual, so aku x byk beli brg kat sni..for me, it's quite expensive..but for those who looking for branded stuff but cheap, this is the place..

After shopping, the next destination is Ma Lu Jia (Melaka).. =D
Kitorg gerak around 10.30am and singgah kat RnR jap, solat jamak Zuhur & Asar...Mazlin and Mahirah suggested pi minum Coconut Shake kat Klebang. Nama kedai ni KlebangOriginal Coconut Shake.

Hey Guys...
     We were
      HERE !!!   

Coconut shake special kat sini mmg sedap, de icecream and terasa la kelapa yg dikisar.. aku order 2 cawan..hehe.. =D  Side order kitorg amik: nasi lemak, cekodok, karipap and apam polkadot...Nasi lemak pun sedap, 2 bungkus aku sental..hehe =P  Masa kitorg sampai 2, mmg penuh ngn orang..Mmg terkenal la tmpt nie, siap msuk program "Jalan-jalan cari makan" ..
Thanks to Farid coz blanjer kitorg mkn kat sni..smoga pjg umo dan dimurahkan rezeki..Sila2 belanja kitorg lagi ek !! =D

Next place in Melaka is Menara Taming Sari... =D
This was the 2nd time aku naik, so aku teman member2 aku naik menara nie...kat sini, korang leh nmpak Bandaraya Melaka kat atas dari sumer sudut coz menara nie berpusing.. Awek cun pakai spec kat bwh nie sorg jer yg xnk naik menara nie..pening katanya..hehe =D

Pastu, kitorg pi round2 naik boat plak...

For dinner, kitorg makan kat foodcourt opposite Dataran Pahlawan...Dlm kul 9.30pm, kami bergerak blk rumah slps seharian kami berjalan2..Thanks to Yusri again coz htr kitorg sampai umah..Jasamu akan kukenang !!! =D

Comment of the day: Alhamdulillah, Trip kali ni mmg unexpected la...X sangka trip (3 hari 2 malam) kitorg kali nie mmg best sesgt !!! Time kasih pada sumer yg menjayakan percutian nie... =D       Jutaan tahniah kepada krew2 yg terlibat and org awam yg memberikan kerjasama yang sgt menggalakkan..hehehe !!! =P

Especially to: 
Yusri: Time kasih coz bg tumpang naik kete U; blanje kitorg makan and htr kitorg blk smpai umah =D
Farid: Time kasih coz blanjer kitorg coconut shake/nasi lemak and tlg booked ticket USS (",)
Faezah: Time kasih coz mnjadi peneman ila di waktu malam..hehehe =D
Mazlin: Time kasih coz sudi tukar duit ngan ila diwaktu aku memerlukannya.. hahaha
Mahirah: Time kasih coz sudi menemani akak sepjg perjalanan di dlm kete.. (",)

Where is our next destination ???

25012013 (2nd day) Trip to Johor Bahru + Singapore + Melaka

Assalammualaikum and Hi sumer... =D

Ari yang dinanti2kan telah tiba...yeahhhh !!!!!  Nak pi jejalan kt Universal Studio Singapore.. excited giler nie !!

Kitorg bangun awal dalam kul 6am, siap2 sumer..pastu, trun bawah kt cafe dlm kul 6.45am for bekpes..Awal giler kan,excited nk pi USS nyer pasal...Byk gak mknan sedap2 hotel ni sediakan..kat situ de nasi lemak, lauk-pauk, puding roti, roti bakar, bubur, mix of fruits, salads, cereals, juice guava/orange, hot coffee/tea, and fresh mmg byk choices yg kitorg bleh pilih..

After bekpes, kitorg dok tunggu la bas ni kan..janji kul 7.30am tp kul 8.15am bru la sampai.. hmm =(
Kat hotel 2 pun , de few families yang join the same bus nk pi USS..Ramai gak yang bawa anak2 kecil..After melepasi imigresen Malaysia/Singapore check Visa and road jammed, kitorg sampai kat USS..aku ingt USS tu dekat2 je kat pintu masuk Singapore tp tmpt ni kat tgh2 Singapore..So dlm kul 11am, bru kitorg sampai...Lama kan, dlm 3 jam gak la..ish,ish,ish... =D 

Nie la entrance of Universal Studio Singapore...Kitorg tgh bhgi2 ticket nie...x sabor nk explore tmpt nie ..Below showing the ticket of USS - "Ride The Movies!" and map of USS.. mmg luas tmpt nie..sehari pun x cukup nk explore... =D

                    Entrance of USS                                         Ticket of USS                   

                                                                Map of USS                

Firstly, kitorg round2 kat area Hollywood. Pastu pi New York, Sci-Fi City, Ancient Egypt, The Lost World, Far Far Away and Madagascar.

Mula2 kitorg pi msuk "Live,Action, Movie" kat area Hollywood.. Nak rasa cmner dorang wat real movie, korang masuk sini..mmg awesome la !!! Pastu kitorg pi Transformers (3D motion), Galactica (2 Roller Coasters), The Mummy (Roller Coaster gak), Jurassic Park (Boat Riding), Shrek (3D motion), and Madagascar (Slow motion roller coaster).

Kitorg round2 satu tmpt nie, so xyh la nk explain bebyk kt sini...Just take a look of these pictures and you can see how happy we were there !!! FUN and AWESOMMMEE...  =D 

(",) and Sad (T_T) ~~~~ 2 words that I can described when we reach at the end of the day at USS.. Rsa cam x cukup lg nk explore tmpt2 kat situ..Kul 7.30pm, kitorg naik bas,pulang ke JB.. 
Goodbye, Universal Studio Singapore.. iskh,iskh,iskh... =(

Dlm kul 9.30pm, kitorg sampai hotel and trus pi dinner kat Danga Bay..Thanks to Yusri coz belanja kitorang..hehehe ..Smoga murah rezeki dan dipanjangkn umur..Aminnn =D

Comment of the day: Kalo korang nk pi sini, baik korang booking skali Express Lane, so korg xyah nk beratur panjang nk main game2 kt sni..wpun trpaksa byr RM100+, but it worth least, korg de msa nk kitorg x sempat nk main sumer game n x abis bershopping lg...huhuhu =(

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

24012013 (1st day) Trip to Johor Bahru + Singapore + Melaka

Assalammualaikum and Hi sumer... =D

Ari Khamis ari tu, aku n member2 (kak eja, malin, mahirah, yusri n farid) pi jejalan sakan.. =D
Kitorg plan trip nie dh lamer, so at last, menjadi gak..yeahhh!!! It was really nice, enjoyable and lot of excitement..So aku nk kongsi experience nie ngan korang..Hope you enjoy reading it.. =D

Pagi Khamis, kitorg jumpa kat station bas Puchong Utama and bekpes kat Carrefour Subway..

Around 12pm, kitorg gerak pi Johor !!! Sepanjang perjalanan, aku n mahirah tido jer belakang.. Yang lelain sumer berborak, kitorg cari jalan guna Waze or Google Map..seb baik jumpa jalan nyer...Laju giler Yusri bwk kete 160km sejam..serammm gak tp cepatla kitorg sampai hotel kat JB dlm kul 4pm..kitorg stay kt M Suit hotel, JB. Nie la interior design of this hotel..Bg aku, tempat nie bersih, nice n comfortable..

Lepas rehat2 jap, dlm kul 5.30pm, kitorg gerak pi carik makan plak..Kitorg nk pi mkn seafooooood!! So Yusri ajak pi makan Senibong Village Seafood..Kat sni byk restoran, so korg bleh pilih la mne nk mkn..kitorg mkn kt Restoran 6 Corner..

Kami order tomyam campur, siakap masak steam limau, ikan pari bakar, kupang masak sambal, kailan ikan masin, udang/sotong goreng tepung, otak-otak, 1 jag orange juice, nasi putih (2x tambah) and kelapa jelly..mmg aksi melantak kitorg nie!! hahaha...Bg aku,masakan nyer nice otak-otak mmg sedap !! Thanks a lot to Malin coz blanjer kitorg makan..hehe =D 

Notes for Malin: Laen kali sila belanja lagi..huhu.. =D

1 big happy family ready to eat seafooood !!!

Errrrrkkkkk, Alhamdulillah..dah kenyang !!!  around 8.30pm, kitorg gerak pi Jusco JB..beli brg keperluan harian and window shopping jap.. =D

Pastu kitorg round2 Danga Bay plak..Jejalan naik keretapi..Sorang byr RM5, dia bwk pi round satu Danga Bay..Sblm balik, kitorg pi beli junkfood kat kedai. Kat situ de jual kerepek2, asam2, air, dll..

Old school pix..Luv this !!! Kenanganku bersama mereka...hehe =D

Dlm kul 11.30pm , kitorg balik hotel n x sabar nk tggu sok..yeahh!! nak pi USS, Singapore..excited sesangat !!! =D   Tido dalam senyuman..hehe =D

Comment of the day: Alhamdulillah..Perjalanan kitorg mmg best and selamat sampai ke tempat yg dituju..De sambungan untuk post nie for 2nd day of this trip..nantikan nyer.. =D

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

10112012 SkyTrek Adventure, Bukit Cahaya, Shah Alam, Selangor

Assalammualaikum and Hi sumer... =D

Last year, aku,ofismates and member's friends join together wat xtvt panjat-memanjat kt SkyTrek Extreme Challenge, Shah Alam...Kitorg pi dalam 14 orang, so dpt discount 10% and sorang byr RM40.50 (hrga sbnr:RM50) ...Thanks to Yusz yang byk bekerja keras menjayakan program nie..Usaha anda amat dihargai...hehe =D  

Kitorg kumpul kat kedai mamak kat Puchong Perdana sblm bertolak sekali, de jgk member yg jumpa trs kt Shah Alam..Sampai sana dlm kul 8.30 pg and kena register dlu kt pintu masuk (SkyTrek shj). Untuk masuk taman tu, kena bayar RM3.00 per person..

10 minit jgkla, kitorg kena tunggu bas yg dikhaskan untuk Skytrek participants shj..Sempatla gak kitorg wat fotografi session sblm bas sampai..hehe =D

Jauhla jugak nk msuk ke dalam..and FYI, tempat nie dipenuhi ngan kehijauan pokok2 and masih terpelihara..niceee!!!! Niela xpresi wajah2 HAPPY N' EXCITED kanak2 Ribena masa naik bas..Enjoy it!!!

Sampai kt tempat tu, kitorg kena register dlu (isi form) and kena beli glove yang dijual ngan harga RM3.00. Kalo nk rent locker, kena byr RM5.00 and refundable (Deposit:RM4). Lepas register, kitorg kena pkai harness sbg pelindung/penyokong badan...Lepas briefing by instructor, we are well-prepared to go through all the challenges..Go, go fighting!!!!

Around 12 tghr, bru abis..kitorg mula2 igtkn challenge nyer extreme sgt tp xdela extreme pun..ok jer..cme penat naik tangga.. ayat berlagak kan..hehe =D

Utk Extreme Challenges  nie, de 32 rintangan (zigzag, fying fox,brjln atas jaring...dll)..Bg aku, rintangan yg susah skit yg berjalan atas paip..kaki n tgn kena kuat..De sorang kwn aku, tersekat kat challenge ni..Sian dier..pastu xnk trskn game nie..hehe =D

Comment for this xtvt: Eventhough, it was the 1st time we tried these challenges but we able to finished it successfully. Yeahhhh !!! ...You should try it also!!! It was tough, fun, great, and awesome!!