Wednesday, January 30, 2013

25012013 (2nd day) Trip to Johor Bahru + Singapore + Melaka

Assalammualaikum and Hi sumer... =D

Ari yang dinanti2kan telah tiba...yeahhhh !!!!!  Nak pi jejalan kt Universal Studio Singapore.. excited giler nie !!

Kitorg bangun awal dalam kul 6am, siap2 sumer..pastu, trun bawah kt cafe dlm kul 6.45am for bekpes..Awal giler kan,excited nk pi USS nyer pasal...Byk gak mknan sedap2 hotel ni sediakan..kat situ de nasi lemak, lauk-pauk, puding roti, roti bakar, bubur, mix of fruits, salads, cereals, juice guava/orange, hot coffee/tea, and fresh mmg byk choices yg kitorg bleh pilih..

After bekpes, kitorg dok tunggu la bas ni kan..janji kul 7.30am tp kul 8.15am bru la sampai.. hmm =(
Kat hotel 2 pun , de few families yang join the same bus nk pi USS..Ramai gak yang bawa anak2 kecil..After melepasi imigresen Malaysia/Singapore check Visa and road jammed, kitorg sampai kat USS..aku ingt USS tu dekat2 je kat pintu masuk Singapore tp tmpt ni kat tgh2 Singapore..So dlm kul 11am, bru kitorg sampai...Lama kan, dlm 3 jam gak la..ish,ish,ish... =D 

Nie la entrance of Universal Studio Singapore...Kitorg tgh bhgi2 ticket nie...x sabor nk explore tmpt nie ..Below showing the ticket of USS - "Ride The Movies!" and map of USS.. mmg luas tmpt nie..sehari pun x cukup nk explore... =D

                    Entrance of USS                                         Ticket of USS                   

                                                                Map of USS                

Firstly, kitorg round2 kat area Hollywood. Pastu pi New York, Sci-Fi City, Ancient Egypt, The Lost World, Far Far Away and Madagascar.

Mula2 kitorg pi msuk "Live,Action, Movie" kat area Hollywood.. Nak rasa cmner dorang wat real movie, korang masuk sini..mmg awesome la !!! Pastu kitorg pi Transformers (3D motion), Galactica (2 Roller Coasters), The Mummy (Roller Coaster gak), Jurassic Park (Boat Riding), Shrek (3D motion), and Madagascar (Slow motion roller coaster).

Kitorg round2 satu tmpt nie, so xyh la nk explain bebyk kt sini...Just take a look of these pictures and you can see how happy we were there !!! FUN and AWESOMMMEE...  =D 

(",) and Sad (T_T) ~~~~ 2 words that I can described when we reach at the end of the day at USS.. Rsa cam x cukup lg nk explore tmpt2 kat situ..Kul 7.30pm, kitorg naik bas,pulang ke JB.. 
Goodbye, Universal Studio Singapore.. iskh,iskh,iskh... =(

Dlm kul 9.30pm, kitorg sampai hotel and trus pi dinner kat Danga Bay..Thanks to Yusri coz belanja kitorang..hehehe ..Smoga murah rezeki dan dipanjangkn umur..Aminnn =D

Comment of the day: Kalo korang nk pi sini, baik korang booking skali Express Lane, so korg xyah nk beratur panjang nk main game2 kt sni..wpun trpaksa byr RM100+, but it worth least, korg de msa nk kitorg x sempat nk main sumer game n x abis bershopping lg...huhuhu =(